Sunday, March 18, 2012

Eggs Marshall

Eggs Marshall, a.k.a. eggs with Italian seasonings, a.k.a eggs with Italian salad dressing. The idea for this recipe came from season 2 episodes 21 of the TV show How I Met Your Mother. It's incredibly simple and really delicious.


  • 3 eggs
  • 1.5 Tbls Italian dressing

Beat the eggs in a bowl. Heat the Italian dressing in an 8 inch skillet over medium heat. When the dressing heats up and begins to bubble, add the beaten eggs. Cook until the eggs reach your desired level of doneness.

Feel free to use more or less dressing to make the Italian flavor more or less assertive. The flavor will also probably vary depending on which brand/style of dressing you use.


  1. Thank you! I was out of olive oil, had eggs and Italian dressing. Why not? I cooked the eggs with the dressing in a small skillet making scrambled eggs Italia. It was delicious with a sliced tomato I threw in.

  2. I heated Olive Garden dressing in a skillet for about 3 minutes then added eggs in. While that was cooking I roasted cherry tomatoes and broccoli unseasoned with butter in the toaster oven.
    When everything was cooked I put it together. It was freaking delicious
